Terpene Belt Farms


Soil to Oil Phase I: Nursery

Terpene Belt Farms
Terpene Belt Farms

We kick off our Soil to Oil journey in our nursery: the first formative environment for our world-class cannabis varieties. Our seeds have sprouted, putting us on track to harvest hundreds of acres of CA cannabis (grown as hemp) later this fall that will metamorphosize into our delectable oils.

Why nursery sowing? ????

Every farmer is faced with a decision when they want to plant a crop:

Do I direct sow my seeds, or do I start my seeds inside a nursery then transport to my farm?

Then they ponder:

Does my ground have the right growing conditions for a successful germination rate? Are my seeds stable enough to be directly sowed into the ground? 

Every season at Terpene Belt Farms, it’s most fruitful to have our seeds germinate in a nursery. Our seedlings are birthed in the largest nursery in California (producing half the nation’s tomatoes)! Its clean, carefully controlled environment ensures our seedlings grow into healthy crops on a grand scale.

A successful, disease-free start to our growing season is now underway.

Learn about our seed genetics and farm planting.


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